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McElhone & Co
1B High Street , Portadown , County Armagh , BT62 1HZ028 3835 0464
McEvoy Sheridan
344 Ormeau Road , Belfast , BT7 2HL028 9069 4444
McEvoy Sheridan (inc. Sheridan & Co.)
29 St. Patrick's Avenue , Downpatrick , County Down , BT30 6DW028 4483 9944
McFadden Perry Limited
No. 4 Balloo Court , Balloo Drive , Bangor , County Down , BT19 7AT028 9147 9494
McFarland Graham McCombe
41-43 Bachelors Walk , Lisburn , County Antrim , BT28 1XN028 9267 4447
McGale Kelly & Company
13 High Street , Omagh , BT78 1BA028 82243621
McGarrigle Legal Limited
Eagle Star House , 5-7 Upper Queen Street , Belfast , BT1 6FB02895 920477
McGeady Molloy Solicitors
12 Queen Street , Derry , BT48 7EG02871 922422