President attends The Law Society of Scotland, 75th Anniversary Dinner




The President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland Darren Toombs was delighted to attend the The Law Society of Scotland, 75th Anniversary Dinner on Friday 10th May at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.

Commenting the President said:

"I was delighted to represent the The Law Society of Northern Ireland to celebrate 75 years of the Law Society of Scotland's ongoing role in supporting and overseeing their solicitor profession.

I would like to reiterate Baroness Kennedy of the Shaw's KC tribute to the Scottish legal profession and her reminder of the important role of solicitors have in protecting democracy and the rule of law."

#lawsocietyofscotland #75thanniversary




Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws KC


Sheila Webster, LSS President


Law Society of Scotland 7th Anniversary

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