Advanced Advocacy Course 2024


A course to enhance solicitor advocacy in Northern Ireland


The Law Society of Northern Ireland is delighted to announce the Advanced Advocacy Course 2024 for solicitors.

The next round of applications for this course will open on the 27th of February 2024. There are only 8 places still available, and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis, i.e., after receipt by the Society of a satisfactorily completed application form and receipt of a non-refundable deposit of £500+VAT by BACS transfer (please see below).

About the Course

The course consists of a series of lectures and workshops on evidence and a practical five-day intensive course in Advanced Advocacy.

The Advanced Advocacy Course is delivered by experienced local and international faculty members.

Faculty from the judiciary, solicitor and bar professions in this jurisdiction and our sister jurisdictions work with faculty from the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) and other Advocacy professionals.

The five-day Advocacy Course utilises the highly respected methodology of the NITA organisation.

The number of participants is limited to ensure a tutor/participant ratio that is conducive to quality training.

A Certificate in Advanced Advocacy will be awarded on successful completion of the course.


The course is open to those who are admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in Northern Ireland and who have three year's post-qualification experience on 1 May 2024.

This is a composite course and those hoping to receive the Certificate will be required to attend all the evidence lectures and workshops in person, successfully complete all coursework assigned to them, pass assessments, and attend all five days of the Advanced Advocacy Course including the final court trial in person.

Reading in advance and assimilating all course materials is an essential prerequisite to the evidence sessions. Participants will be allocated into syndicate groups for discussion and will be required to be familiar with materials.


The full course cost will be £1,750 + VAT.

Places will only be confirmed upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit of £500 + VAT, to be paid by BACS transfer. Subject to availability of places, the deadline for receipt of deposits is no later than 22nd of March. The remaining balance is to be paid by no later than the 26th of April.

When and Where?

The series of evidence lectures will be delivered over two full Saturdays, namely Saturday 18 May and Saturday 1 June 2024, plus an evening assessment on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

The five-day practical course in Advanced Advocacy will be held from Monday 2 September until Friday 6 September 2024.

Court dress MUST be worn for the five days of the Advanced Advocacy Course in September.

The evidence lectures and the practical course will be held in Law Society House, Belfast.

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