Newly admitted solicitors welcomed at annual dinner




The magnificent Culloden Estate and Spa was the venue for the Law Society of Northern Ireland's Annual Dinner on 7th December 2023.

Over two hundred solicitors attended the dinner including newly admitted solicitors. and those attending had an opportunity to mingle and catch up with colleagues.

Those attending heard speeches from the Society's new President, Darren Toombs guest speaker and His Honour Judge Philip Gilpin who took the occasion to underscore the value of the solicitor profession to the community.

During his keynote address the Societyâs new President welcomed the newly admitted solicitors and outlined his passion for supporting those wishing to become solicitors in Northern Ireland.

Representatives from the Society's charity of the year the Boom Foundation also spoke about their work and the year ahead.




Senior Vice President Brian Archer


Leona Rankin Boom Foundation


President and family


President and Leona Rankin Boom Foundation


President and His Honour Judge Gilpin


Presidential team and Judge Gilpin


Presidential Team 2023


LSNI staff


DWF Solicitors


President and colleagues

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