Inspirational event marks International Women’s Day




Over 200 members of the legal profession and invited guests were in attendance for a unique event to mark International Womens Day.

The "Women in the Law: Breaking Down the Barriers" event held at Law Society House in Belfast included a distinguished panel of speakers including:

 * The Lady Chief Justice, The Right Honourable, Dame Siobhan Keegan, DBE

* The Attorney General for Northern Ireland, Dame Brenda King, DCB

* The Justice Minister for Northern Ireland, Naomi Long MLA and 

* The President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland, Brigid Napier.

Hosted by the Law Society of Northern Ireland, the exclusive hybrid event was chaired by journalist Sarah Travers and included interviews with each of the four panellists.

Those attending the hour-long event had the opportunity to hear from the panellists on their personal and professional journeys to leadership in their profession and to ask questions during a question-and-answer session which included provided some inspirational responses.

Commenting during the QA session The Lady Chief Justice, The Right Honourable, Dame Siobhan Keegan said:

"Hopefully seeing people like myself in positions like this will inspire young men and women to come forward and become lawyers."

Justice Minister for Northern Ireland, Naomi Long MLA, provided the view that:

"Most of us never feel ready for next step but jump in and you may find not only you can do it but you enjoy it."  

Responding to a question from the audience about how to ensure the glass ceiling was smashed the Society's President, Brigid Napier, said "use a pickaxe!"

In closing the event, the Society's President thanked the panellists, those attending and Harbinson Mulholland for their sponsorship in making international Womens Day event such a success.




Dame Brenda King, DCB; The Lady Chief Justice, Dame Siobhan Keegan, DBE; The Justice Minister Naomi Long MLA; Brigid Napier, President


Sarah Travers who chaired the discussion


The Lady Chief Justice, Dame Siobhan Keegan, DBE


The Justice Minister Naomi Long MLA


Dame Brenda King, DCB, Attorney General


Brigid Napier, President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland


Sarah Travers, Lady Chief Justice, Justice Minister, Attorney General and President of the Law Society








Harbinson Mulholland team

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